National No Smoking Day: Help on hand to quit in Helensburgh

TOMORROW is National No Smoking Day – and if you’re looking to kick the habit, there’ll be a helping hand available in Helensburgh.
If you want to quit, but you’re not quite sure of the best way to go about it, get yourself along to the Co-operative Food store in Sinclair Street from 10am until 4pm on Wednesday, March 9.
That’s where you’ll find a team of local NHS ‘stop smoking’ advisers, working in partnership with the Argyll and Bute health and social care partnership (HSCP), ready and waiting with practical help and advice to all smokers in Helensburgh looking to make a positive change to their lives by stubbing out the habit for good.
Lynn Garrett, health improvement senior at the HSCP, said: “There are so many benefits to stopping smoking, for the individual, their family, their pets and their unborn children.
Lynn Garrett
“Stopping smoking reduces the risk of diseases such as heart disease, vascular respiratory disease and a range of cancers.
“You might think it won’t work for you but as one person said to me ‘If I can do it, anyone can do it’.”
There are several ways local NHS stop smoking advisers can help you quit.
You may just want to talk to someone and arrange for some information to be sent to you.
You may want to speak face to face with a Smoking Cessation Adviser. They will have an initial meeting – done virtually if that works best for you – to discuss what options are available to help you quit and to help you prepare and plan for stopping smoking.
Wednesday, March 9 is National No Smoking Day
Lynn added: “Our service is based on what has been shown to work – people are four times more likely to quit smoking of they use smoking cessation services alongside NRT [nicotine replacement therapy].
“If you decide to go ahead, we will help you arrange to get the medication most suited to you. We’ll see you again at least three or four times to help iron out any problems and give you support and encouragement over the first few weeks of quitting.
“If you decide at any point that this isn’t the right time for you to quit, don’t worry – we will be happy to see you again in the future when you do want to go ahead.”
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